The CSpark Remote Access Platform

Main Features of the remote access platform

Remotely view real-time data from multiple connected devices

Supports ExpEYES and KuttyPy devices

Get the latest experiments and documentation without software updates

Control multiple devices in tandem

Authenticated access, and well separated 'classrooms'

Supports audio conferencing for a classroom experience

The remote access platform is a powerful tool for conducting and monitoring lab sessions remotely.

Installation via PyPi

The desktop application which will be used by students/owners of the hardware devices must be installed via Pip. Instructors who simply wish to monitor/control these devices only need to login via the web browser page described in the next section.

Installation of eyesonline requires pip3 which ships with python3, and must be installed.

First upgrade pip to at least version 19.4.0 , and then install eyesonline. On Ubuntu, the following commands may be pasted into a terminal .

pip3 install -U pip
pip3 install -U eyesonline

On windows, this is slightly different

py -3 -m pip install -U pip
py -3 -m pip install -U eyesonline


Accessing the remote labs website

Login page for instructors

The website can be accessed at for creating user accounts, and for teachers to conduct classes.

Students User Interface

The Latest Experiment list is fetched during the login process

The remote access platform tries to minimise software updates, and instead, experiment interfaces are downloaded and executed on the fly. The local database is informed whenever updates to a particular experiment are available.
Launch the app, and login from the menu at the top right corner.
Then launch the relevant experiment from the Experiment List tab.

User Interface for the Instructor

Data from multiple logged in devices is shown in the form of a grid. The UI offers monitoring and control options for each device independently, or even in tandem.